13 July 2012

I believe...

I am vegan for years and I support this way of thinking with all my heart.  More than half a year ago I bought a book that I was to read and kept postponing as usual.  Its title is "The Liberation of Animals" by Peter Singer.  It helped the animal liberation movement start as the first ring at the domino chain that created a lot of animal right organizations and similar stuff groups and even helped new laws to come up in come countries about animal's fair treatment.  Today I found it in my library and I felt it was waiting for this moment.  Then I fell on a site.  The text below is not mine but I want to share it. :)

I Believe.....

I believe in Ahimsa and that we have no right to harm other animals. I believe in abolitionism and that we have no right to use and enslave any animal; human or nonhuman. I believe in nonspeciesism and that we have no right to unfair and irrelevant prejudice towards a victim based on species membership. I believe in 'Reverence for Life' and that we have no right to disrespect others as in exploiting, assaulting, and killing. I believe in 'Animal Rights' and that we have no right to deny any sentient animal the fundamental right of bodily integrity from human harm or ownership - as we generally give to all human animals, but need to extend to all other species of feeling, breathing, conscious animals, too. 

I believe in picking fresh vegetables or tree-ripened-offered fruit, and that we have no right to steal our food by believing that barbaric slaughterhouse-sourced animal flesh and secretions are food fit for consumption. Animals are not food. I believe in Truth and that we have no right to wrong others or the planet that sustains all life. I believe in the Golden Rule and that we have no right to do to other animals that which we would not want done to us. 

I believe in Love and that we have no right to exemplify such a lack of love towards other creatures; especially those who would never think of harming us. Humans oppress the helpless – because they can - not because they have to. 

I believe in Evolution and that we have no right to hinder its progress of achieving a more civilized way of living on Earth. I believe in Peace and that we have no right to inflict violence on anyone. I believe in the Vegan Ideal and that we have no right to do anything but to try to live up to it as best we can.  I'm a believer.

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