25 June 2011


I just love this painting.  At the photos above I show the edges around of which I am really proud of.  It's not that they are just painted, they just look so gorgeous from near that these photos cannot show it enough.
The painting at front is like this:

...and with the wooden frame that lets the painting show itself all around, it's like this:

The distance between the painting and the frame lets the edges be shown clearly and nicely.  I am just so proud of that small flower at the center and above that someone can see only in three dimensions but I can't explain the why scientifically.  Maybe in an other lifetime...

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 18 cm x 24 cm (7" x 9,4")
painting + frame size:  24 cm x 30 cm (9,4" x 11,8")

23 June 2011

Flower Power

Who doesn't like flowers? Maybe some freeky emo with dark tendencies and gloomy approach to life. Not that I have a problem with emo. If they don't have a problem with me, hehe.
Nature has given us plenty of gifts and flower power is one of them. Or better a package of them wrapped together with the golden ribbon of health and well-being.
It is well known from the ancient times - and I know what I am talking about since I am greek - that nature is the drugstore of the divinity. All that these recent chemical drugs do can be also done with natural essences, usually in a milder way. All except the side effects.
The fact that people don't usually believe that much to the power of nature and its contribution to our lives has mostly to do with the science medicine praise. We forget that most of the medicines come from natural ingredients, plants and flowers and trees and even animals. And the chemical ones have also started from the properties of natural sources.
Bach was a man who believed in nature, searched, experimented and found out that specific flower characteristics cure specific health troubles. Here you can read about these 38 flowers and the rescue remedy, that by the way can save lives, and also the mixtures you can make yourself for specific health problems.

20 June 2011

cups on cups

Cups on cups - inspired by a DPW challenge.  I like the colors and the way they are ready to fall - but they won't fall because they are stuck into a painting.  What a pity! :P

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 30 cm x 20 cm (11,8" x 7,9")
painting + frame size: 36 cm x 26 cm (14,2" x 10,2")

13 June 2011

the wise rose (3rd of set)

It is wise, experienced and a beauty by its own right.  It understood a lot of life's lessons and now knows that real knowledge is beyond this plane, so it is almost ready to skip it from here soon.  But this doesn't make it sad, at least not much, since it knows that the road goes on beyond the shaking of its petals and beyond the white light, there, to the land of the energy, where it will keep searching for miracles and adventures.

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 15 cm x 15 cm (5,9" x 5,9")
painting + frame size: 21 cm x 21,5 cm (8,3" x 8,5")

11 June 2011

the rose (2nd of set)

This is the second rose - beautiful and independent, passionate but also stabilized, walking the way of the clever rose - hoping and wandering also.  It knows that it doesn't know a lot of things, worries about life's troubles but still has time for fun and a cup of tea (organic one!)...

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 15 cm x 15 cm (5,9" x 5,9")
painting + frame size: 21 cm x 21,5 cm (8,3" x 8,5")

the rose bud (1st of set)

Life adventure is pretty strange: we come and go, come and go, come and go... and come and go again.  It wouldn't have a meaning if these walks weren't the classes of a strange also school.
This and the next two small paintings have to do with a rose in its various ages.  Here it has just come and it's a bud, full of joy and excitement, ready to conquer and/or save the world.

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 15 cm x 15 cm (5,9" x 5,9")
painting + frame size: 21 cm x 21,5 cm (8,3" x 8,5")

08 June 2011

Immortal Animal?

I didn't discover it. I just found out this very interesting article written by Bryan Nelson, Mother Nature Network, and it was too interesting to skip. The jellyfish below may be the only immortal animal of the planet due to a strange recreation ability it possesses.

(Photo: Peter Schuchert)

--- "The turritopsis nutricula species of jellyfish may be the only animal in the world to have truly discovered the fountain of youth.
Since it is capable of cycling from a mature adult stage to an immature polyp stage and back again, there may be no natural limit to its life span. Scientists say the hydrozoan jellyfish is the only known animal that can repeatedly turn back the hands of time and revert to its polyp state (its first stage of life).
The key lies in a process called transdifferentiation, where one type of cell is transformed into another type of cell. Some animals can undergo limited transdifferentiation and regenerate organs, such as salamanders, which can regrow limbs. Turritopsi nutricula, on the other hand, can regenerate its entire body over and over again. Researchers are studying the jellyfish to discover how it is able to reverse its aging process.
Because they are able to bypass death, the number of individuals is spiking. They're now found in oceans around the globe rather than just in their native Caribbean waters. "We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion," says Dr. Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Marine Institute." ---
So long with the aliens. Now we have the jellyfish. From now on I'll live with this horror. I needed one horror more in my life. Or should I start searching for a communication code with them? Or, even better, leave the jellyfish alone and worry about the scientists who try to find the secret of immortality and apply it to our bloody human specie? I think, in the end, I am going to protest for the innocent and unsuspected jellyfish, all the poor jellyfish that will be sacrificed in the name of our vanity.

05 June 2011

dark break

Break the darkness, the three magical candles will help you to do so.

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself.
painting size: 14,2 cm x 21,2 cm (5,6" x 8,35")
painting + frame size:  20,3 cm x 27,1 cm (8" x 10,7")

02 June 2011

the 7 candles to light

The 7 is from ancient times a sacred number.  The seven dimensions, the seven chakras, the seven days of the week, even the seven ...dwarfs makes it wonderful how this number comes up all the time in physical and beyond physical levels.  The candles show the way to walk each path to the light as it should be, with a trembling and respect, with a hidden fear and with a great joy.

oil on canvas
framed in a wooden thick frame that is around 2 cm (0,79 inc.) far from the painting itself
painting size: 18 cm x 24 cm (7" x 9,5")
painting + frame size:  24 cm x 30 cm (9,5" x 11,8")

01 June 2011

The good dirt

I must admit I am not a great housekeeper. Not that I like my home dirty or in chaos. But, let's say, cleaning is not the first priority in my life. Maybe neither the second one. I do what I have to do to continue living in an environment that can sustain life. And keep my valuable time for things that I really like and enjoy.
My mother was never happy with this. She is the kind of woman that has learned to run after every dust particle and sterilize it with a maddish smile and glance. "Muahaha, where have you been you naughty spot? I have been searching for you in all the house!" But that's usually mothers. Maybe living in such a cleaning lunacy made me a bit careless about sterilizing things or lives. Or maybe it's my natural as a crazy gemini I proudly am.
But being too clean has it's negative side also. Like the dark side of the moon. You see the shining silver moon and you are astonished by her beauty, but then, there is also this dark side, the one that is necessary to keep the balance.
In the case of extreme cleanliness, which is what a whole world of ads, which is their job by the way, and scientists suggest and even brainwash with all kinds of miraculous products that will kill and completely destroy any sign of germs, bugs and viruses, the darkness lies in the inaction of our immune system, in the laziness and the easy way of life of a system that exists to protect us and meets stagnation cause it doesn't have an enemy, it loses its purpose and stumbles inside our bodies searching for what, for a way to prove its value. What a system like this can do in this case beyond of becoming a drunkard or taking drugs or something similar? You have a great fighter, a champion, and you put it in disuse. Do you think it's happy? Mmm, I don't think so.
And, voila, yes, I was waiting for this, hehe. At last, other scientists found some time now that dirt is not that bad, it's not the enemy of the world, and a reasonable percentage of dirtiness is needed, it is even precious to provide stimulation and training to the immune system so to ensure future health.
Especially to children who are starting their voyage on this plane, it is important their body to be within call. When too much protection makes it incapable to react, the body becomes unable to protect itself. Then, the next wave of ingenious products come. The ones that fight allergies and asthma and other similar stuff. Which means beyond any doubt that we have become fenceless and unprotected and open to attacks.
I am not a dirt lover, I just try to think logically in a maze of too many completely useless products and services that want us to be dependent and helpless instead of having some common sense and some trust to our own body, to the natural power inside us that needs some stimulation to build an invulnerable, or at least strong enough, system.
It's not that we will never come down again. But this is a natural stuff and a training for us. Maybe the real answer is to find the golden section, a more natural way to live between the opposites. And laugh more. Because, more than any other, laughter is the strongest shield we can ever have before any illness inside and outside us.