25 March 2012

Does size matter?

There is a coan, well known to Tao students that is used, like the other coans, to stop the mind and attain meditation state.  In fact, coan is a question that it seems that it has no answer.  The mind trying to solve the riddle reaches the state beyond thoughts, which is the desirable result.  Of course, this kind of desire is beyond desire too but that's an other story.
Back to our specific coan.  Its question says: "If everything is reduced to its unit, then its unit to what is reduced?"  Here, of course, when we say unit, we mean the smallest part of what this everything is consisted of.  So, if everything is reduced to its unit that consists it, this unit to what is reduced?  Hmmm...
I thought about this coan when I recently saw a youtube video that compares the sizes of different masses out there starting from small moons to stars to galaxies to clusters and going beyond our known observable universe of the light years (omg!) to reach at the end the unconfirmed Omniverse, where no man has gone before and etc... This is too huge for a mind to really think about it and remain sober and sane.  But it is also a reality that we, here, take our eyes from in order to concentrate on our small and insignificant everyday trends like fashion, football and gossip.
The point to all this is that when the video reached Omniverse, I realized that it reminded me of something.  And I remembered... omniverse looks like a cell, yes, a human cell, as I had seen it in biology many years ago. And that was the moment that time froze and the objects around me got a new meaning and I was not so sure about anything in particular.  Because I also remembered the answer to our coan.  And it says: "If everything is reduced to its unit, its unit is reduced to everything"...
I call you to realize what this may mean and start counting from now the uncountable worlds above and below us that may exist this very moment according to a thought that can seize the ground where we stand and remind us that life is alive and extraordinary by nature.

23 March 2012

my second app!

9 days ago it went out of the shell and into the apple itunes app store: my second app.  I know I am late to show my happiness for my new born baby but it was a tricky period for me and didn't feel like it.  Now some things have gone behind me and I can be myself again for ...well, I hope forever. :P
My first app was "Ελλαδάρα Quiz" and it was made in greek to test our knowledge about greek stuff in a funny and entertaining way (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elladara-quiz/id448996047?mt=8).

And now, my second one, "How Greek Are You?" is a hilarious app in english with 100 funny questions and many many funnier answers in our pursue to find each one's percentage of the traditional greek figure.  How Greek Are you? is not to frighten people, some, very few I would say, have no greekness at all and being 100% greek in this app I don't think is the best thing that can happen to a human, but I really love the procedure and it may prove that we have some hidden greekness the way that non greek people, and even greek ones, consider really unacceptable. But we will have fun for sure.

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/how-greek-are-you/id508367255?mt=8 - this is where my baby born app is about 9 days now and I can't wait now to start my third one.  Sometimes I worry a bit about me, but what the heck: all things are for humans and some of them are excited and interesting and I prefer to jump and swim than sitting at the beach.
Hmm, ok, I may do some break to paint too.  I miss it terribly.

10 March 2012

tricky fairytale

Ok, I found it while cleaning... Who said cleaning is not cool!  I am up to new drawings and paintings.  Things started moving up a bit lately and this is surely for good!  I also have some news that kept me busy lately and now will give results at last...  I will keep you wondering for some week more till my news are out and I can talk about it. :P